Gymex Pharmaceutical

Gymex Pharmaceutical is best Pharma of city. Gymex Pharmaceutical medicine is the medical scientific discipline concerned with the discovery, development, evaluation, registration, monitoring and medical aspects of marketing of medicines for the benefit of patients and the health of the community.

At core of the discipline is the clinical testing of medicines, translation of Gymex pharmaceutical drug research into new medicines, safety and well-being of research participants in clinical trials, & understanding the safety profile of medicines and their benefit-risk balance.



Packing: 10 * 10

Composition:Pantoprazole40mg + Domperidone30mg


Oxygym syrup

Packing: 200ML

Composition:Lycopene 5000mcg+ Methlcobalamin 500mcg+ Maltivitamin + Ginseng +minerals

Gymcef o tab

Gymcef o tab

Packing: 10 * 10

Composition:CEFIXIME200mg + OFLOXACIN200mg TAB DT